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Top Benefits of practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness has several important benefits; each one supports an important part of well – being. Relaxing the body, calming the mind, soothing one’s emotions and discovering one’s self.

People love massages because it will relax their bodies, while it really does it has little to offer compared to mindfulness. The body and the mind are so intertwined with one another, that when one of them is tensed or stressed, the other automatically gets affected. This is because of the composition of the human body, when stress is experienced it begins a chain reaction in the body, and you prepare to either fight or flee the situation. There is so much energy throughout the body and that energy doesn’t have any direction that is why it builds tension. The aim of mindfulness is not to eradicate the tension or make one feel relaxed, instead it aims to create awareness and acceptance of your moment – to – moment experience. It brings about curiosity to ask and feel.

In the same way that the first type of benefit does not aim to achieve relaxation, calming the mind does not prioritize to relax the body. Instead it focuses on establishing, if not strengthening the level of awareness about your senses. It encourages you to listen to your thoughts, evaluate your emotions and watch your actions. Mindfulness is not about monitoring the number or amount of thoughts that you have instead it is about making you more aware of the kind of thoughts that you have. It enables you to look at them and see the larger picture than be controlled by them.

The third benefit is Soothing One’s Emotion. Perhaps dealing with emotions, whether it is ours or other’s, is one of the most challenging aspects of human life. Emotions are big parts of our lives, from the perspective you have about a situation to the kind of attitude you show other people and the words you choose to express yourself, even to the simplest things like the food you eat and the clothes you wear, all these are driven by emotions.

And this is why it is very important to create a connection with your senses, it trains your attention to be more focused, it teaches you to be kind to yourself once your mind wanders away, it opens your eyes to the amount of options and choices that you have and it paves the way to understand that you can always shift away your attention from thinking nad back into the senses. Without this connection to the senses, you are only focused on your thoughts and emotions making you unaware of everything else.

Finally, mindfulness serves as an avenue for you to become aware of who you are, it leads you to the best possible discovery in your life, the discovery of yourself.

 Mindfulness meditation when coupled with reflection about the fundamental and most complex ideas of existence can show you your inner self. This brings about more meaning in the relationships, activities and endeavors that you embark on, how you perform in your work, what you do in your spare time and how you interact with other people. It opens your eyes to the proper perspective and gives you the opportunity to observe and analyze what you really are.


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