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3kW Solar System Installation Complete Cost in India (Mohali, Punjab)

In recent years, solar energy has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional electricity sources, offering both environmental benefits and potential cost savings for homeowners and businesses alike. In this article, we'll delve into the specifics of installing a 3kW solar system, exploring the costs involved and the potential savings it can bring.

Cost Breakdown

Let's start by breaking down the costs involved in installing a 3kW solar system, using data from reliable sources such as Adani and actual installation costs in Mohali, India.

  1. Panel Cost: The cost of a one mono panel is approximately Rs. 12,000 for Adani Solar Brand Panels. For a 3kW system, we'll need a total of 9 panels. Thus, the cost of panels alone would be:

    9 panels * Rs. 12,000 = Rs. 108,000

  2. Installation Cost: The actual installation cost in Mohali is cited as Rs. 160,000 for a 3kW system. This includes labor, equipment, and other associated expenses.

  3. Total Cost: Adding the panel cost to the installation cost gives us the total cost of the solar system:

    Rs. 108,000 (panels) + Rs. 160,000 (installation) = Rs. 268,000

Government Subsidy

One of the key incentives for investing in solar energy is the government subsidy offered in many regions. In our example, a 40% subsidy is applied to the total cost of installation, effectively reducing the financial burden on the consumer.


Subsidy Amount = 40% of Total Cost = 0.40 * Rs. 268,000 = Rs. 107,200

Actual Payment

After applying the subsidy, the actual payment required from the consumer is:

Actual Payment = Total Cost - Subsidy Amount = Rs. 268,000 - Rs. 107,200 = Rs. 160,800

Additional Cost: Meter Load on XTEND

It's important to note any additional costs that may arise during the installation process. In this case, a meter load on XTEND is mentioned, costing Rs. 5,000 if needed for systems above 3kW.


Investing in a 3kW solar system involves a significant upfront cost, primarily due to the expense of panels and installation. However, government subsidies can substantially reduce this financial burden, making solar energy more accessible to homeowners and businesses. With the added benefit of potential long-term savings on electricity bills and a reduced environmental footprint, a 3kW solar system represents a sound investment in a sustainable future.

It's essential for prospective buyers to thoroughly research their options, consult with reputable vendors, and take advantage of available incentives to maximize the benefits of solar energy for both themselves and the planet.


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